2014年1月19日 星期日

WinAC-RTX (F) & ET200SP Distributed IO

WinAC-RTX (F) & ET200SP Distributed IO  

         WinAC RTX (F) 為SIEMENS 即時軟體邏及控制器,可運行在標準 Microsoft Windows 作業系統與入試系統,如
標準版本 Windows XP pro ,Windos7 ,崁入試版本 WES 2009, WES 7.

        硬體部分可以搭配各種樣化工業電腦以與無風散,硬碟裝置轉子裝置的嵌入試工業電腦,可達到運轉24hr 免維護, 耐溫55度的應用環境.

     在於IPC 工業主機部分,另外具備2組slot 可安裝PICe 板卡,除了PLC 的模組應用速度外,另可挑戰PC based 板卡高階應用,如高速類比取樣分析,高速運動控制卡. (可搭載脈衝/EtherCAT/SSC NET/ Mechatrolink /或其他網路型運動控制卡)

More information please late...

2012年4月29日 星期日

ET200SP 分佈式IO

ET200SP 分佈式IO 介紹影片:

1.) 採用絕對即時工業層乙太網路 Profinet 網路介面,內建2組 Profinet 乙太網路接口.
2.) 最大IO Max 點數, 1024 point.
3.) 每片模組支援熱插拔.
4.) 高速週期掃描更新時間.
5) 體積極小化,配線採用快速插線方式,免使用工具,例如螺絲起子.
6) 支援高解析類比AI 與AO模組,以及最小DI 點數4點.
7) 完整的硬體辨識區別方式,採用制定顏色標籤分辨模組種類,以及配線端子規格.
8) 具備完整的認證規格如CE,UL等等.
9.) 未來支援 safety 可執行 大量安全點數需求,成本的 safety 邏輯控制,及變頻器控制,馬達啟動衝啟動器機種.
9) 低價價格,德國製造.

2012年4月14日 星期六

Safety 的終極變形金剛-PROFIsafe

....Safety 的終極變形金剛... SIEMENS PROFIsafe..待續..

2012年1月20日 星期五

Ethernet ISO/OSI reference model

Ethernet ISO/OSI reference model:

The “Open Systems Interconnection” (OSI) layer model is a reference model for data transmission in networks named after a working group of the International Standardization Organization ISO.

The model consists of seven layers:
Two hardware-oriented layers (layers 1 and 2), two transmission-oriented layers (layers 3 and 4) and three application-oriented layers (layers 5, 6, and 7).

As a reference model, OSI is not a recognized standard. Many products in telecommunications and in networking use the ISO/OSI model as a foundation.

The 7 layers are as follows:

Physical layer (layer 1):
The physical layer defines the bit transmission of data via the network at the cable and connector level.

Data-link layer (layer 2):
The data-link layer groups data into frames and adds information required for passing on the frames. Layer 2 is responsible for transporting data frames from node to node and for error correction.

Network layer (layer 3):
The network layer controls the routing of the frames in conjunction with layer 2. It handles the addressing of the frames and how they are routed in the network. An example of this layer is the Internet protocol.

Transport layer (layer 4):
Coordinates the transmission of data packets.
It checks whether all packets have been received completely. A typical example of layer 4
is the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).

Session layer (layer 5): The session layer establishes a connection between the processes running on different hosts. It is responsible for opening a “Session” and for a continuous dialog of requests and responses between the individual applications.

Presentation layer (layer 6):
The presentation layer is responsible for converting data into the format required for the specific application.
This layer also compresses texts and converts various codes used by the partners.

Application layer (layer 7):
The application layer is responsible for applications directly available to the user, such as file transfer or mail programs.
The user recognizes data transmission in the form of requests or responses.

2011年11月22日 星期二

OMRON SYSMAC NJ EtherCat motion control NJ5 - 2011/11 - Japna SCF Show

OMRON SYSMAC NJ EtherCat motion control NJ5 - 2011/11 - Japna SCF Show

圖一: OMRON SYSMAC NJ EtherCat motion control 展覽開幕說明會

在國際日本一年一度SCF自動化展中, OMRON NJ EtherCat motion control 成為展覽會場中,眾所矚目的焦點,在開幕說明會中,吸引了大批會場來自世界各國參觀訪客,到場聽取接收OMRON在運動控制應用領域,投入最大心力,研發出運行架構在實時工業乙太網路總線EtherCat協定上,並符合PLC Open 運動控制指令的NJ系列運動控制器!

圖二: NJ5 & NJ3(近期發售)

圖三: OMRON EtherCat Driver

圖四: OMRON EtherCat Driver & 伺服馬達 & 線性馬達

圖五: OMRON EtherCat inverter

圖六: OMRON EtherCat IO

圖七: OMRON EtherCat CCD

圖八: OMRON EtherCat Sensor

圖: OMRON EtherCat motion control NJ 多軸追隨同步運動控制 & EtherCat IO & EtherCat inverter & Ethernet/IP 控制動態展示show


2011年10月12日 星期三

OMRON NJ5 - Always in control

圖一: OMRON SYAMAC Logo 變更設計,未來將以更圓滑的Logo面對用戶.

圖二: OMRON SYSMAC NJ5 motion control 外觀

影片: OMRON SYSMAC NJ5 motion control overview movies

Steve Jobs RIP

Steve Jobs RIP

keep looking, Don't settle.

Stay hungry, Stay foolish